Leeds’ BNOC 2016: The Final

Only one of them can win


Hundreds applied. 21 made it through to the heats. Now, four remain.

These are the people fighting it out for the prestigious title of Leeds’ BNOC 2016.

The power to choose is in your hands.

Dan ‘I’m not boring honestly’ Sinclair, Second year, Politics 


The face of next year’s varsity and next year’s rugby captain, Dan gained a whopping 41 per cent of the vote in his round.

His praise-filled nomination read: “Some say that he has a face that can launch a thousand ships. Others say that his jawline is so sharp that’s Zeus himself used it once to trim his beard.

“It is also rumoured that he is currently writing a novel staring himself in a house of cards style ascent to the top of the Conservative party. His greatest achievement so far was probably reaching the quarter finals of junior master chef when he was 13.”

Jonny McGuigan, Third Year, Broadcast Journalism 

Jonny McGuigan received 39 per cent of his round’s vote.

Jonny has been described as a “general LUU keeno”. His work for LSR and LSTV and as a Technical Supervisor for the Union earned him a lifetime achievement award from LUU.

With that level of dedication to the uni, its not surprising he’s been called “a true Leeds BNOC”.

Ola Akinlade, Second year, Business Management 

Ola gained 373 votes, catapulting him into the lead. The round four winner “runs things down at MiNT Mondays and owns his own clothing brand.”

Yet Ola’s most impressive accolade was when he organised an Otley Run for the end of exams with around 300 people on it.

At the second-to-last venue he managed to dislocate his knee and wound up in hospital, only to return two hours later at the club on a pair of crutches.