Every reason why living in Leeds is better than living in London

Do I even need to tell you

Everyone always says their city is the best, but only people from Leeds are actually right. It gets a bad rep, notoriously known for it’s night life, but there’s way more to it than that. With all the culture, food, and nights out it’s better than the supposed best city in the country, London. And if you don’t want to believe me, then let me spell out exactly why Leeds is the best city in the UK.

People are up for a chat wherever

People in the North are known for being friendlier, and that fact definitely holds up in Leeds. Nowhere is off limits, even the doctors waiting room. Because what you definitely want at the doctors is a 20-minute chat with a 90-year-old woman about exactly why she’s come in today. But sometimes it’s fun to have a chat. Sometimes.

The rent is super cheap

The average student house costs a measly £74 a week, which is almost half of what it’ll cost you in London. Need I say more?

The air won’t make you sick

Literally just last month there was an air pollution warning across London, and tonnes of Londoners were even told to stay inside to protect their health. Even if Leeds ever got that bad (which it wouldn’t), all you have to do is hop on the train and you get to the Yorkshire Dales, full of all the fresh air your little lungs could desire.

The night life is legendary

Ever heard of a little pub crawl called ‘The Otley Run’? No? Well, it’s just a little matter of 18 pubs in a row, followed by a night out in one of Leeds’ many clubs. It’s practically a rite of passage: almost every student at Leeds will have completed it.


Leeds is practically famous for having a ridiculous number of Greggs in a small surface area, and it’s so popular there’s even a ‘Gregg’s Otley Run’. Because who wouldn’t want to eat 13 plus Greggs in a row?

You don’t have to re-mortgage your house to buy a drink in the bar

When two drinks in London can cost upwards of a tenner, it’s not hard to understand why Londoners are so boring: none of them can afford to get drunk. Whereas up in Leeds, you can get smashed on £20, and still have enough left over for the taxi home and a Maccies on the way.

Photo credit: CJG Photography

Chris Pine once graced us with his presence for a whole year

Yep, that’s right. This beautiful specimen of a human being decide to carry out his year abroad at Leeds Uni. He even lived on Brudenell Road.

Everyone is happier

The happiest people in the UK live in Yorkshire, while the least happy live in London. Which is not surprising, let’s be honest.

There’s so much culture (actual interesting culture)

Sure, London has all the big museums, the London Eye etc., but they are always packed with tourists, and they’re not even actually that interesting. At least, not as interesting as the Royal Armouries, The Thackeray Museum, and Kirkstall Abbey. Not to mention J.R.R. Tolkien got his inspiration for the twin towers from Leeds, the city also home to author Alan Bennett, and artist Damien Hirst. Not too shabby.

You can walk anywhere in 20 minutes

A cinema, two universities, a supermarket, Trinity shopping centre, a food market, the train station, 10+ clubs, and enough restaurants and takeaways to keep you fed for months, all within a 20-minute walk of one another. No tubes necessary.


London doesn’t have one. That’s it. Literally.

People won’t judge you for putting gravy on everything

Seriously. Someone I knew even put gravy on super noodles. Just let that sink in.

The people are all fit

At least, according to Tinder, which declared Leeds as one of the hottest unis in the country. Get in.