Sorry, but I just don’t get everyone’s obsession with Camilla from Love Island
She’s not a ‘national treasure’
Camilla Thurlow has rocketed to the role of nations new fave sweetheart since first appearing on our screens 6 weeks ago. She’s been dubbed the “protector of feminism, supporter of girls, disposer of unexploded bombs, and all round sweetheart” of the Love Island villa, but does she even deserve this title? Putting it simply: no. Well, except for disposer of bombs cos, you know, she actually does do that for a living (and it is pretty cool, I’ll give her that one).
To be honest, I just don’t get her appeal. At best she could be labelled “average”, at worst she’s stuck up, boring, and kind of mean. Yeah sure, she’s surrounded by a lot of fuck boys that can make anyone seem saint like, but when you really think about it she’s actually just as bad as everyone around her. And her acting like she’s better than them all just makes her seem obnoxious and annoying.
She may act sweet and innocent, but anyone could see through her painfully transparent act. And if you can’t see through it, then you’re probably someone who’d get sucked in by Jonny’s nice guy act and think the sun shines out of his arse, just like Camilla did for some unknown fucking reason. She knows full well that the nation loves her (and hates Jonny, but he kinda deserves it) and she has taken full advantage of this. Why else would she deliberately miss Tyla’s face during the “License to Swill” challenge? Who seriously wouldn’t want to get Tyla’s smug face drenched in some sticky pink drink?
Also, why did she act like she was totally okay with Jonny and Tyla being together, only to spend the next however many days crying about it? Talk about making them feel like shit. It’s called Love Island for a reason Camilla, people are going to be acting cutesy and romantic. If you don’t want to see it, don’t apply for the show.
Plus, anyone can see she totally led Jonny on. I mean, they were on and off for about 3 weeks and she barely even kissed him, she clearly didn’t like him. No wonder he jumped ship. Still want more proof? She totally led on Craig as well, acting like she liked him loads, and then dropping him the next day so she could cry about Jonny some more. Which is just so bitchy as well, by the way. Also, how up yourself do you have to be to assume a guy’s just going for you because they know you’re “the favourite” (even though she’s really not) and if they stay with you then they’ll definitely win? For someone who keeps saying how insecure she is, seems like she’s pretty confident in the fact that everyone must love her. She isn’t even anyone’s favourite, Montana is. And rightly so.
She totally epitomises the whole “I’m not like other girls” bullshit that I am just not here for in 2017. She is constantly going on about how she’s not as pretty as the other girls, she’s not as comfortable showing her skin blah blah blah. Sorry, but she’s in a bikini same as everyone else right? She had a pretty steamy session with Jamie in the hideaway, same as everyone else, right? Camilla seems to be under the impression that if she acts different to the other girls, she’ll somehow be cooler, and more relatable and approachable, but it doesn’t work like that any more sweetie.
2017’s motto is girls sticking up for girls, and just having girly chats and comforting someone while they’re crying doesn’t do the job. If you’re still trying to best the other girls by being different, then that’s not girls being there for girls, or girls being there to empower other girls. That’s bowing down to a fuckboy mentality and that shouldn’t be applauded, it should be criticised.
Also, like I know everyone gets insecure, that’s obvious, but how did someone this insecure and this uncomfortable with pretty much anything sexual get with Prince Harry during his crazy years? AKA the crazy years that included those naked snaps from Las Vegas (we ALL know which ones I’m talking about)? Plus, she was Miss Edinburgh in 2009, and she not only applied but succeeded in getting on Love Island, meaning she fits in with the model of the show that stipulates every single person on it must look like some sort of greek goddess. And she knows it.

The face of someone who knows she’s better than everyone else
Oh, and don’t even get me started on how hypocritical she is. Like when she made a big point about calling people out for bitching, and making it clear that she just wouldn’t do that (cos she’s not like other girls, god guys didn’t you know that?), only for her to be caught bitching about Jonny like two days later. Thought you were supposed to have morals, Camilla? Or when she shouted at Theo for saying Tyla should leave with Jonny, when she knows full well that every single person there was thinking the exact same thing. As Montana put it, clearly all Tyla’s tears were fake, and Theo was the only person to call her out on it.
Basically, Camilla is boring, fake, and totally up herself. She thinks the sun shines out of her arse, while simultaneously pretending that she’s so insecure about everything and anything. Remember that time her and Jamie reminisced about reading books, like no one else in the villa had ever picked up a fucking book before? Does she really think she’s so special and clever and educated that she’s the only one who reads? That it’s just so exciting that another boy has come into the villa and “omg he can read he is so different to all the other guys wow”. Actually do one, seriously.
Camilla Thurlow is a lot of things, a lot of commendable things, as well as a lot of terrible things. But one thing she’s definitely not? The nation’s new national treasure. So let’s all stop pretending she is, shall we? Because the villa would be a much better place without her, and you know it’s true.