We met with the Rugby boys before their big game and asked them everything we thought you’d really want to know
Have they ever shagged a Beckett though?
After eventually finding some of the boys amongst the largest collection of beige chinos we'd ever seen, we met the rest of the team upstairs in the Oak where they were excitedly waiting for their pre game garlic bread. Not a tradition we were told, they just really like Italian food.
Here's what we found out…
Who shouldn't have made the team this year?
Not wishing to cause any tension before the big game, the boys decided that they'd choose based on who was the biggest dick on social media.
Safe to say, they threw Kirkby under the bus purely for this insta post:
What's the worst thing to happen at initiation?
The team claim that they don't have initiations anymore as they've been banned by the uni.
Sounds a bit boring if you ask us.
Anyone ever taken advantage of their rugby status to pull on a night out?
100%. The boys even go out wearing their Leeds University Varsity tops in order to impress the girls.
A good example? After recently breaking up with his girlfriend, the captain pulled someone using the line "I'll be playing next week."
Following this, anyone ever shagged a Beckett?
Surprisingly no, but apparently Jonny got pied by one last week. Probs for the best though – can't go sleeping with the competition (especially after they've just beaten us).
And finally, why do Leeds never win?
Bitterly, the boys claim that Beckett "cheat" by providing their sports teams with better funding for training and equipment.
At least we have the fitter team though, right?