How to nail a girl’s night out in Leeds
After all, girls just wanna have fun
Our best gal pals are usually the ones to give us the best and the worst advice on our millennial troubles. So from when you're singing along at the top of your lungs in the club, to crying on the bathroom floor over a boy who wont text you back, you're gal pals will be there to help (even if that means offering shit advice). This means a girls night out from time to time, leaving out all your guy mates, is necessary, its a kind of therapy. And what better place than Leeds, which is probably one of, if not THE best night out in the UK. So here is a step by step guide to smashing your girls night out.
Getting Rosè Ready
Arguably the most fun part of the night, crack open the first bottle of wine whilst covering yourself in every glittery substance you can find, getting ready sets the tone for the night with your pals. When the highlight goes on perfectly, and you manage to cover that spot which appeared after you didn't take off your makeup, it's going to be a good night.
Find some carby food for dinner to prepare for the night to come
You're probably going to want to line your stomach for the night to come (unless your on a budget of course) and Leeds has no shortage of places to eat. Go for a classic Katsu Curry from Wagamama or try out the new Gino D'Acampo restaurant so you can all discuss what a cutie Gino is. Alternatively Trinity Kitchen has endless choices and you can all choose different stuff to eat if you're a particularly hard to please squad

and always post a pic of your food on some social media platform.
Pick a fairy lit bar for drinks, or failing that a budget sensitive spoons
Revs is a classic place for drinks, often with deals on their multitude of cocktails but this can end up super pricy. Spoons is always a safe bet for pre drinks or pre pre drinks and/or just buy a couple bottles of £5 Rosè from Tesco on your way home and you're destined for a good night.

(Zebra ears are optional, Rosè is mandatory)
Pictures (lots)
You've made the effort to put makeup on your face and put one of your best outfits on and this must be documented. Prime time for the selfie taking is after a few drinks. You're not too concerned about what pose you're doing because you've had a few glasses of Rosè but you're also not falling over because you've decided tequila shots were a good idea (yet).

Filters are usually mandatory.
A club which accepts the inner basic bitch in you with some cheesy bangers
A girls night out begs for screaming The Killers and cheesy bangers so automatically, the best choice is probably fruity. Fruity brings a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute you're crying to eachother singing You've Got The Love by Florence and the Machine, making you inevitably emosh about your best pals, and the next minute you're all grinding on freshers in the R&B room, what more could you want from a girls night. So neck some cheap VKs and enjoy.

snapchat you're evening of course
(Oh and don't forget the part where you cry to each other in the uber home about how much you love and appreciate each other.)
All the cheesy chips you can stomach without vomming everywhere
The part you've all been anticipating all night, arguably the best part of every night out. Perhaps your a classic cheesy chips kinda gal, or you've been wishing for a footlong Italian BMT all night, or maybe Milano's is calling your name. Whichever you are, you and your pals can pig out together and have the perfect end to a perfect evening; falling asleep into your pizza.
However you wanna do your girls night out, you'll all end up that much closer by the end, and probably all with a little less dignity, but thats what friends are for.