Every single New Year’s resolution Leeds students have already broken
The New Year can’t hide the fact that you’re still a terrible person
Every year, millions of people around the world make promises to better themselves; physically, mentally and spiritually. University is the one time in our life where we are almost expected to break these promises. But let's be real, you never intended to keep them anyway.
Skipping the post night out takeaway and promising to make food at home instead
How many times have you told yourself this, 'if I go out, I'll just make toast when I get back.' There is no greater self deception than denying the fact that you won't have curry sauce stuck around your lips the next morning.
Actually buying your own filters and papers, rather than stealing off your mates
There is no chance that you're gonna quite smoking, it's far too edgy and a mainstay in our Leeds University culture. However, what you can do, is buy your own and not be the bloodsucking leech that everyone encounters at 3am under the Beaverworks marquee.
Not going to Terrace every. single. day. after lectures
It's a Tuesday, around 3pm, you've got an hour before your seminar and you can't be bothered to walk home. The shining beacon of the Terrace is a double edged sword, keeping you busy in times of extreme campus boredom but also ruining your finances and waistline. Try to keep it to a once a week thing, at least.
Go to the salad bar at the Refectory
This one goes out to all the Refectory loving people, mainly the lazy bunch of Charles Morris dwellers. The people who work there must do it on purpose to put the unhealthiest food at the entrance. It's far harder to walk past curly fries and a cheeseburger than it is a pasta salad with olives. But hey, Lucozade has fruit in it, right?
Get off DEPOP and stop spending all your student loan on vintage garms
For a university, in England no less, I struggle to comprehend how some people can spend more on vintage FILA than alcohol. Another Patagonia fleece, yes please! 30 year old Burberry hat, oh if I must! Please for the love of god, just look trashy like the rest of the UK and use that money on Tesco own brand Lager.
Promising yourself you'll go to the Edge more
You'll go once it 'gets less crowded', then youll go 'when your mates are ready' and then you'll finally go but just for the sauna. Do everyone a favour, cancel that membership and use the money to buy the next round.
Stop spending money on ridiculous Otley Run Costumes
My thoughts on the Otley Run was that it was something a bit naff that you were forced to do in first year and never again. To my surprise, people willingly spend money on crappy costumes on top of the excessive bill you'll run up by the end of the night. And no, you won't be able to wear that tweed blazer outside of your "OAP themed run".
Start walking everywhere
I once knew someone in first year who once took an uber from Charles Morris to their lecture. There's not a chance that you'll walk to or back from a night out, hell, it's not even safe but try to walk from your house to your seminar, no matter how far Chemistry West is.
Buying tickets for nights out that you just won't go to
An event that specialises in Bassline, jumpup and only the best Bristolian folktec on a Monday night, at a dingy club 30 minutes outside of Leeds centre that only costs £20? Sign me up! When all your friends bail during pre's (and you know they will), think deeply about what nights you actually will realistically go to. After that thought, buy tickets for the Rick and Morty Dubstep night at Old Red Bus Station because it'll be a hoot, I'm sure.