Leeds is officially in Tier 3 after lockdown: Here’s how this affects students
No RPP for you
It has just been announced Leeds will enter Tier 3 after lockdown ends on the 2nd December. This means life won’t look too different to how we’ve been living these past few weeks, and bevvies at home in your PJs are still very much on the cards.
Here are all the rules which will affect students when Leeds moves into the new Tier 3:
• You must not meet with anyone you don’t live with (or isn’t in your support bubble) inside or outside
• You must not socialise with a group of more than six in some outdoor places – parks, beaches, public gardens or sports facilities
• Hospitality settings are staying closed – including pubs, bars and restaurants – but can operate takeaways, or delivery (so a takeaway pint from Blanc it is)
• Indoor entertainment to stay closed – cinemas, bowling alleys, casinos, theatres etc
• Gyms can stay open but group sessions cannot take place
• No public attendance at sports events
• Avoid travelling to other parts of the UK if not necessary
This means Leeds will have been in tougher restrictions for most of the first university term. Regarding those who have been subjected to tighter restrictions for a long time, Health Secretary, Matt Hancock said: “I know how difficult this has been, especially for those areas who have been in tougher restrictions for so long.”
Students are still encouraged to go home between the 3rd and 9th of December after receiving two negative tests.
So, it looks like Christmas roasts will have to stay in our houses, and there will be no festive pints in RPP, but at least we’re doing our bit to keep the country safe in the run up to Christmas.