Note found in LUU girls’ bathrooms gives the ultimate freshers advice
Whatever you do, ‘stay out of Charles Morris’
A photo of a list of advice for freshers was posted anonymously onto LeedsFess this month, creating quite a stir among the Leeds student population.
The post garnered over a thousand likes, and almost 50 comments, which is massively above average for any post on LeedsFess, and it’s easy to see why.

Image of the note left in the bathrooms, courtesy of LeedsFess
The list had been stuck onto the back of a toilet stall in the LUU girls’ bathrooms. The advice varied from harsh but low-key true sentiments such as “stay out of Charles Morris,” to more heartfelt words of wisdom such as “it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, or weird, or shy.”
Many of our anonymous agony aunt’s tips were practical and useful in terms of studying and working. For example, number two suggests that you “attend all your lectures, even the dull ones,” and number five recommends that you ‘”try and do some work every day.” Both of these bullet points are bits of advice that every deluded student has given to themselves at least once throughout the year, but famously it’s much easier to say these things than to stick to them.
The note also touches on the often anxiety-inducing nature of socialising and meeting new people. Discussing the notorious nature of friendships made in Freshers’ Week, the writer advises: “Don’t worry too much about the friends you make. Chances are in five or 10 more years they wont be in your life.”
Although cynical, they do have a point as worrying about the future of friendships will never cause you anything but unnecessary stress.

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Also, recognising that Freshers can often feel like a daunting and isolating experience, the author says in bullet point number three: “If you’re spending too much time in your room it may be time to speak to someone.”
They also take the time to remind new students of the numerous support systems they will have in number ten: “Even if they’re not with you right now, there are people in the world who love & will love you, and they’re always the important ones.”
With the shadow of Covid still looming and life not completely back to normal, it seems vital that freshers are protected from a feeling of loneliness, which can often become overwhelming, and this piece of advice makes a touching end to what is overall a wonderful note.

Campus tours take place throughout Freshers’ Week
Although the writer chose to stay anonymous, we do know one or two things about them. For example, the author tells us that they started at Leeds ten years ago, so they are presumably quite far on in their academic career, or maybe a friendly visitor who wanted to help the next generation of 18-year-olds at Leeds. We can also presume that they were a medical student, as bullet point number nine reads: “If you go to the medics cocktail party, be prepared to throw up.”
Regardless of who the mysterious author may be, they have clearly made an impression, and hopefully helped out a number of freshers-to-be.
Ending with my favourite line, the note rounds off with a sentiment that I think sums up everything that freshers can expect to feel in the next year, as the author concludes: “Good luck, it goes quick.”
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