Meet The Buzz Jailbreak Teams
The Buzz is following two Jailbreak teams who are giving us exclusive updates over the weekend
Team 1: Gower Street's Most Wanted!
Nikhil Subbiah: History Fresher
What I'm most excited about: Spending 36 hours with no sleep, alone with Adam. Well that, and the fact that I could actually be anywhere in the next day and a half. We will be mega disappointed if we can't go further than Slough by Sunday.
Why do I think we'll win: Because no other team has such a well-themed costume approach (A banana being chased by Curious George) and, frankly, because no other team is as under-prepared as we are!
Adam Durbin: History Fresher
What I’m most excited about: My principal reasons for doing this are to test my skills in the wild, become a modern day Bear Grylls if you will, although preferably without the whole drinking my own urine thing.
Why do I think we’ll win: I think we might be up against some tough competition so I suppose we’ll have to wait and see. Our costumes are pretty sweet though, hopefully we’ll get some recognition for that.
Team Two: Team VAJ
James Gibbins: Engineering Fresher
What I’m most excited about: meeting people and testing out my persuasion skills!
Why we will win: We're heading for Berlin, with the intent to have as much fun as possible (primarily by making complete tits of ourselves), whilst raising hundreds for GOSH and Body & Soul
Valentin Ivanov, Chemical Engineering Fresher
What I’m most excited about: the people we are going to meet and the buzz we are going to make.
Why we will win: We are not in it for the win, rather the fun."
Assel Kashkenbayeva: Neuroscience Masters Student
What I’m excited about: meeting people and potentially making a fool of ourselves by trying to convince people to help us out.
Why we will win: we aren't in it to win it, we are looking to have a good time raising money and hopefully be pleasantly surprised by random people’s kindness!
Catch all the exclusive live updates from Team VAJ and Gower Street’s Most Wanted as well as other breaking UCL Jailbreak 2012 news here on The Buzz.