SSEES Students Out in the Cold

SSEES Year Abroad Students Still Unsure of Destinations

With the end of Term 2 fast approaching a dozens of year abroad students at SSEES still don’t know where they are going to end up come September.

Despite having confirmed their choices in the middle of January high demand in Moscow has meant that students who want to study in the Russian capital next academic year are still being left waiting- unsure about what is happening to their application.

This despite an email being sent out on 1 February informing all students that they would know their destination by the end of the week.

One disgruntled SSEES student, who did not wish to be named, told The Buzz that it was a “shambles” and that students hadn’t been kept properly informed.

“I’m not blaming SSEES for the problem in confirming places with Moscow,” he said “but the problem is that we haven’t been kept informed at all. We’ve been told before that we’d be informed within a few days and yet here we are in March, still without confirmation, it’s incredibly annoying.”

This has clearly created lots of uncertainty for anyone wanting to make plans for next year at what is already a hectic time with essay deadlines looming and exams not too far in the future.

Rumours are now suggesting that Moscow is happy to accept the number of SSEES students who have applied but even this has not been communicated by email. As another student put it “SSEES likes to communicate between staff and students using telepathy.”