Photographers Get Passionate

PhotoSoc’s latest exhibition is taking the Print Room Café by a passionate storm.

Forget rivalry – London universities have joined photographic forces to produce a pretty damn impressive exhibition at the Print Room Café.

‘We wanted to create a joint event so photo societies wouldn’t be so segregated’, said Thinh Ha from UCL’s PhotoSoc, which has successfully teamed up with societies from Imperial, Kings and Royal Holloway.

The societies sent their students out with one simple aim – to capture ‘passion’ in a photograph, and the top forty entries were selected by The Royal Photographic Society.

From explosive scenes in the London riots, especially the image of paint-splattered policemen in Finbarr Fallon’s ‘Riot Passion’ (UCL), to the more positive interpretation of passion pictured above, ‘Dance With Sunset’ by Yichao Zhou (Imperial), the different takes on this energetic theme are definitely worth checking out – especially the top five that can be found behind the cafe's door.

And it’s not just the coming together of PhotoSocs that the exhibition has brought about – it’s also raising money for PhotoVoice, a way for underprivileged children to express themselves through photography. If you missed the bake sale on Friday, there’s still a way to make your contribution. A silent auction is currently underway in the café, with the results to be announced after cocktails and live music there from 5 p.m. this Friday.

The evening is also a chance to hear from the photographers themselves, as well as speakers from The Royal Photographic Society and if you’re passionate about photography, it’s worth heading down (after joining the facebook group of course!)

So next time you’re torn between Gordon’s and the PRC, head to the latter for the most cultured cup of coffee UCL has to offer.

More info can be found on their website