Booked In ‘Til May

Students celebrate 24 hour library openings- but there are a few strange goings on.

The beginning of the exam period generally means living off pro-plus and coffee, forcing down copious quantities of “Monster” (other energy drinks are available) and making trips to the library at all hours of the day to cram in as much revision as possible.

In fact it seems that there have been some odd goings on in the library since 24 hour opening started on March 19th. Goings on that require a better explanation than just an overdose of caffeine.

Some students were so happy that they even created a meme stating “One does not simply celebrate the 24 hour opening of the library” featuring a photo of some delighted undergrads standing on a table, apparently dancing (or attempting to fly).

Others aren’t so openly enthusiastic but have been spotted wandering the library in pyjamas. Whether for reasons of comfort or simply because they’ve got lost somewhere in the history section and have decided to live there until the end of May is not known.

Students have also been seen slumped on desks and chairs having had a bit too much of study and succumbing to the temptation of sleep.


One toiling second-year gave The Buzz a poetic assessment of the witching hour in the library saying there was “an air of mutual shame. We all know that the intensity of silence, the suggestion of work and revision, is a sham. All of us are on facebook, but no one wants to admit it. Instead we sit in silence, flicking between tabs and hoping that no one will pick us up on it."


As the week nears its end and the madness of deadlines looms whilst the stress of exams begins, we at The Buzz eagerly anticipate what other strange happenings will occur in the depths of the Main Library.