Buzz Editors Go Head to Head: The Olympic Training Challenge

As the Olympics draw closer, The Buzz embraces the spirit of the greatest competition on earth with open arms.

A great man named H. Jackson Brown once said: ‘Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.’



But it does require that we be the best. Brown was lying. Trying, for our Buzz editors competing in the, what we shall now call ‘OTC’, is simply not enough.



With the help of Carlos Tevez-bulldog-like determination and their favourite work out tracks (sure to include such classics as Kanye’s ‘Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger’ or perhaps a Buzz favourite ‘Jump Around’ by House of Pain), our very own Joe Mason and Louis Allen will be going head to head, combining their revision, or lack-there-of, with activities of a Usain Bolt type nature.



And this challenge shall be fierce. Think Sasha Fierce, only fiercer. Like an extra fierce Sasha Fierce. In a room full of other equally fierce individuals, albeit not with such fiercely appropriate names.



The duo will be completing official Olympic training regimes to be specified here on The Buzz within the next few days, pitting themselves against each other in a contest likened to that of Liam vs Noel, Nadal vs Federer, and Hitler vs Churchill.



So, for the sake of being extra… official, the heights and weights of the boys are recorded below, and we will provide more statistics regarding their fitness very shortly.



Joe Mason


Height: 5”9


Weight: 61 kgs





Height: 6”1


Weight: 75 kgs



The Buzz will follow Mason, Features Editor, and Allen, News Editor, through every step of their journey, providing information on their 100 meter distance fluctuations, figures, and of course, general wellbeing.



Ahead of the start of the schedule, Mason described his attitude as ‘positive’, adding ‘I believe UCL needs to embrace the Olympic spirit. If all goes well I’m aiming for a late entry into the Olympic marathon.’



As for the question of the Challenge possibly interrupting revision, well, Mason is a first year, so the question seemed quite irrelevant and almost awkward.



Allen stated that he was ‘Looking forward to the Olympic challenge for two reasons. First: so I have an excuse to go on Michael Phelp’s 12,000 calorie per day diet and secondly: to beat Joe and Features editors the world over. The reputation of the UCL News Desk is at stake!”




The epic journey will start this Sunday, 1st April. We believe in you boys.