Un-gagged- Porn filter no more

Students rejoice as porn filter lifted from intercollegiate halls


The web filter that was in place in University of London intercollegiate halls is at an end after a decision by those responsible for Accommodation and Hospitality at Senate House to reverse the policy.


The filter, which blocked porn sites as well as others which are presumably deemed ‘inappropriate’ for students to view was removed last week after enquiries into the benefits of the ban sparked a review of the intercollegiate halls' policy.


Vicky La Trobe, Interim Head of Hospitality at the University of London, found that there were no “hard and fast rules” regarding banning of sites.


Prior to the ban being lifted one disgruntled intercollegiate resident stated that the filter was “ridiculous."


“It’s a total restriction of freedom of speech” he stated, “these sort of web filters are the sort of nonsense you get in North Korea. What next? Kim Jong-un marching through Bloomsbury?” 


Another told The Buzz that it was time “students in intercollegiate halls are treated like adults”.


Some students however were not opposed to the filter. One undergrad said she was “happy” with the ban because of the potential for students to accidentally stumble across something “untoward”.


“That would obviously be problematic for halls management, so I can understand why such a filter is in place,” she added.


These varying opinions were taken into account in the investigation by halls management, La Trobe stated.


"The key thing for us has been to ensure that personal freedom over viewing web content is upheld whilst also being mindful of the communal nature of halls life and ensuring absolutely that no offence is caused to any residents," she said. 


In order to ensure that this remains the case the "Halls of Residence Network Services Conditions of use" have been updated. This, according to La Trobe, allows personal freedom to browse the web whilst letting all residents know what is and isn't acceptable to view and what the implications of viewing such websites will be.