Why Play Sport at UCL

Exercise is fun If you’ve just spat the contents of your mouth out all over the screen, coolly wipe it, and read again. Exercise IS fun. Even if you don […]

Exercise is fun

If you’ve just spat the contents of your mouth out all over the screen, coolly wipe it, and read again. Exercise IS fun. Even if you don the infamous title of ‘social player’ (you will not be alone), the occasional participation in physical activity is sure to benefit you – even if this is just the side-stepping stagger to the Roxy on a Wednesday night.


If you’re one of millions of people whose social life is a quantitative measure of how many Facebook notifications you get, then joining a sports society will a) boost your self-esteem, and b) continue to provide excuses for why spending half your day on Facebook is a fundamental part of your university experience.

Become amazingly photogenic

If, similarly, you’re one of millions of people who want to show the virtual universe what a great time you’re having with all the new friends you’ve made, sportspeople are renowned for always capturing your finest moments on and off the pitch.


Whether you’re looking to add some colour to your CV or you’re just a really nice person, volunteering at UCL is an integral and highly encouraged part of university life so get involved with some coaching at primary schools, organise a tournament or dedicate some time to people who need it most!

Be on the committee

Show those future employers that you can run the show; all sports clubs need a President, Treasurer and a Captain amongst other roles to contribute to the smooth running of the club. Usually, elections run at the end of every year so make sure you start early and make an impression!

Be part of UCL’s best events

Hopefully you’ll make it to The Roxy

Part of any sporting club, you’ll be the first to know about all the top events organised by sportspeople. Netball holds a charity ball and a popular inter-club tournament; Men’s Rugby host a boat ball on the Thames; the annual rugby Varsity against Kings is always concluded with a crazy after party, and let’s not forget Sports Ball: the massive end of year party which celebrates all team and individual achievements.

Make valuable contacts

As I’m sure you’re tired of hearing from bright-young-students-turned-begrudging-graduate-jobseekers: it’s not what you know but who you know. So instead of dwelling over the worth of our degrees, join a club and whether it’s with UCLU, club sponsors or even just with other students in prominent positions, NETWORK!

Keep busy

It’s been unofficially proven by students everywhere: the busier you are, the more productive you’ll be in the time you’re not occupied. Playing sport, club events and compulsory sports night socialising will give you far more incentive to finish that coursework early – you wouldn’t want to miss out, would you?

Know your university and have your say

Every year in the spring term, campaigning begins for those courageous students who choose to run in the UCLU student elections. Most will have been involved in a club so will know what they want to improve and in turn, so will you. Apparently only 15% of UCL’s 23000+ strong student population voted last year so know your university and vote!