REVIEW: You Like This – Radio Show Wednesdays
Aiming to merge Peep Show and speed dating, Laura Piccirillo explains why she loved Katie Highet’s radio play ‘You Like This’
Speed dating meets Peep Show? What’s not to like? Although I’d love to see David Mitchell waltz out of the love lift, rest assured newly graduated French student Katie Highet’s two-part play (in collaboration with UCLU Writers’ Society, UCLU Drama Society and Rare FM), is no Take Me Out.
Inspired by the notion of the Facebook like button that allows users to parade their interests and preferences to forge a meticulous online persona to the entirety of cyberspace, Highet’s ‘You like this’ talks about the way we present ourselves to the world. Focusing on laddie and embittered university dropout Jake who clearly still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend Kate, we follow him in a series of comical speed dates from his date with bubbly Liverpudlian lass Lizzie, whiny American Sarah, to a heated encounter with the very ex that left him heartbroken.
By drowning out the main conversations, Highet provides the audience with internal monologues from the protagonists á la Peep Show, so we can see into the depths of their minds… or rather listen to them work out just how they can manipulate the speed dating situation to portray a certain image. With protagonist Jake (added bonus, he sounds a lot like Jake Whitehall’s character JP in Fresh Meat), who is guilty of trying to hard to impress: “Okay Johnny Depp is pretty good in Pirates of the Caribbean but it’s no La Haine”, Highet admits that characters in her play bear resemblance to good friends of hers, and even in parts, herself.
A witty analysis on our obsession with public image, ‘You like this’ is a snapshot of the Facebook generation and the age-old battle of the individual vs. their insecurities. When she’s not teaching French in India (she spent the past summer in Gujarat, cool or what?), Highet intends to return to radio. So keep an eye, or better yet, an ear out for Katie’s upcoming plays. In the meantime check out ‘You like this’ and other radio plays on Rare FM, you certainly will like it. www.ucluwriters.co.uk/radio-drama/
UCLU Radio Plays are aired on Wednesdays at 1pm on Rare FM, in collaboration with UCLU Writers’ Society and UCLU Drama Society