London Varsity Series Teams Announced!

Hockey, Taekwondo, Netball, Waterpolo, Muay Thai, Fencing and Rugby have been announced as the potential sports for the London Varsity programme.



UCLU Activities and Events Officer Doris Chen announced yesterday the potential programme for the new London Varsity Series, which includes Hockey, Taekwondo, Netball, Waterpolo, Muay Thai, Fencing and Rugby for both Men’s and Women’s teams. Each of these UCLU teams will take on our biggest rival, King’s. For the first time, Varsity is organised as a multi-sport event, meaning fixtures will be spread out over a week, giving UCL students plenty of opportunities to watch us dominate against Strand Poly.

These sports best demonstrated the criteria UCLU set out. Past results have proven that they will also be competitive fixtures and will draw a large number of supporters, including alumni.

When asked about last year’s Varsity drama (mostly centred around Rugby), Doris highlighted the main issue was the lack of a Plan B when Twickenham Stoop Stadium declined the bid for Varsity.

However, organisation has gone off with a bang this year. Doris says, “It’s been really great and rewarding – with each meeting and action, we’re stepping towards delivering something that’s potentially going to be really big and exciting.”

For now, keen readers, you should be learning Burlington Bertie in anticipation of our glorious victory chant (fingers crossed!):

I’m Burlington Bertie,
I’m short, fat and dirty,
My college portrays my high class – high class!
I walk down the Strand,
With my cock/tit in my hand,
And wave it at King’s as I pass.
Oh Bert, Bert,
I come in my shirt/skirt,
At least I go to UC – UC.
There’s one thing I’m sure of,
Strand Poly are wankers,
I’m Burlington Bert from UC. UC!!
That’s me, and him/her, and him/her, and him/her and him/her…


UCLU Women’s Rugby celebrating their victory in 2011