The UCL exam timetable will not be published early as planned

It was meant to be released on Monday

Following the announcement earlier this month that the UCL exam timetable would be released early this year, UCL has now admitted the date will be delayed.

The UCL Student and Registry services claim they have been working very hard to achieve the early release, but they emphasise the difficulty of arranging the exam schedule, as UCL has over 2,000 exams and 80,000 exam sittings to fit in.

They have also stressed organising the timetable is a lengthy process because exam clashes must be avoided, academic departments must review and approve draft timetables and changes must be minimal once the timetable has gone live.

They did reveal the exam period for this year will be from 28th April to 27th May for undergraduates and 28th April to 9th June for postgraduates, but they’ve sold us a dream on further detail.

The Registry reassures students  they will publish the timetable as soon as possible and, with the substantial progress they have made so far, is confident this will still be earlier than normal.