UCL ranked in the top 20 universities in the world

We’re the third best in the UK too

University College London has been ranked the 17th best university in the world in the 2016 Shanghai rankings.

The only other UK unis to come ahead of UCL were Cambridge and  Oxford who came in at fourth and seventh respectively. With a total score of 45.3, UCL came ahead of fellow London uni, Imperial, who scored 41.6, putting them in 22nd globally.

American unis dominate this list, with Harvard, Stanford and Berkeley taking the top three spots. Harvard has the highest score of 100, a huge 25.3 points ahead of the runner up. UCL are used to receiving high UK rankings and have retained their place as third best uni in the UK.

However, after having been ranked fourth worst for student satisfaction in the National Students Survey, maybe being one of the best in the world isn’t enough to keep you all happy.