Crying In The Main Quad event held in the Main Quad next Monday

It’s been a long, long term

Has this term been the most horrifically tedious thing ever? Do you look at your endless list of things to do and just think ‘nah’? Are you looking for any reason whatsoever to have your 8th mental breakdown of the week?

Well look no further. Next week, there’s an event happening in the Main Quad for the overly stressed but procrastinating population of UCL students. And it’s called ‘Crying In The Main Quad’.

Last night Natural Sciences students/legends Peter and Zahra made the event on Facebook as a bit of a joke- probably a bit of procrastination. By this morning, it already had 1.3k people ‘going’ and 1.4k people ‘interested’.

The event says that at 2pm next Monday, anybody and everybody can gather for an afternoon of “procrastinating, stress eating and crying”. Whether its the stress of deadlines, next term’s exams, or “just life in general”, it’s safe to say we’ve all needed this for a while.

Naturally, the people of Facebook are absolutely loving the event, responding the only way they know how…….. memes.

Even if they don’t plan on going…

Even if they might not live to see the day…

The Tab spoke to Peter and Zahra about how Crying In The Main Quad came about.

Peter said “Zahra is always joking that she wants to cry because of deadlines, coursework etc. So I just thought it would be funny if I made an event where people can cry with her”. What a good friend.

“It was only intended for our friends, but then it blew up.”

Zahra said “I didn’t think people would get it but then more and more people started click attending”.

Neither of them even planned on going to it themselves, but now they say they feel like they have to. When we asked why next Monday, they said it was because most people are uni at that time and have deadlines next week, and people won’t have really left for Christmas yet. Also, as Zahra very rightly points out, “Mondays are always the worst.”

Peter said “Even though I didn’t plan on actually going to the event, I wanted it to be realistic.” Good thinking.

For any further information about the event, or even just for a bit of a laugh, click here.