LSE student petitions for Mick Jagger to attend graduation
He may not have completed his Business degree at LSE, but hey, he’s Mick Jagger!
A petition begun by Polly Stewart, currently with 135 supporters is lobbying for LSE alumnus Mick Jagger to attend this year’s graduation.
The petition admits that, ‘although Mick Jagger never actually graduated from the LSE, he is definitely one of our most hip hop happening alumni.’ It argues ‘the least that the hardworking LSE students deserve is having Mick say a few words on stage.’
On top of his legendary dance moves, Mick can be credited for his time as LSE. Wanting to take the noble path of education like his father and grandfather, Mick attended LSE, studying for a Business degree, despite his bandmates Brian Jones and Keith Richards pursuing music full time.
However, Mick got grant money from LSE, which he used to buy some music equipment, and waved goodbye to the university and his Business degree. 8 number ones with The Rolling Stones and 7 top forties in the UK charts from his solo album definitely seem worth that decision!

As Mick says, life is just a passing fad, so why bother finishing university when you’re a born star?
Mick visiting LSE would be a truly iconic moment for students. And if he busts out some of his dance moves, it’s sure the snapchat videos taken by all the graduates and their parents will be shown to the grandkids one day.
If you are keen to help LSE students with their petition, you can sign up here.
Polly commented:
“To be honest it was a bit of a joke that got out of hand. My housemate was signing petitions on my behalf on the internet titled things like, ‘Let’s ban the Kardashians from the UK’, and just one-upped herself by creating a petition on my behalf.
It was funny when our friends started sharing it, and especially when it was clear that a lot of people took it seriously… although saying that, LSE really could do with a more interesting speaker, and I wouldn’t mind if he did come to our graduation after all.”