UCL’s BNOC of the year 2017: Round Two

Keep those votes coming


Here’s our fresh selection of fine UCL BNOCs, all hungry for a place in the final. Get voting kiddos.

Jacopo Blumberg, Fourth Year, Arts and Sciences

Jacopo is Hockey’s Social Sec and is heavily involved in the Live Music society.

Finty Clowry, Third Year, Spanish and Management

Finty is known for her legendary nights out and fun loving attitude. Her claim to fame: she made out with Ed Westwick (Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl) in Cirque.

Anjana Slay-Chaudhuri, Third Year, Medicine

Anjana can often be seen being brutally fraped online with photos of her on the toilet and even vomming on her flatmates’ table. She has longstanding beef with sassy Roxy entry staff and has a mere 3% success entry rate at Loop. When she has time, she frequents the Cruciform, but is such a #legend that it took her two times to progress to second year: she got sloshed so hard on her 19th birthday she returned to Ian Baker having lost her dignity, expensive speakers, and (almost) her place at UCL Medical School.

In spite of all this, she’s a sweetheart who is probably Jeremy Corbyn’s lovechild. Plus she even went to the Calais jungle to volunteer, and yet returned with a boyfriend in tow, with whom she only speaks Gujarati!

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