UCL ranked seventh best in the WHOLE of the World for the second year running

We’re a whopping 16 places higher than KCL


For the second year running, the QS World Rankings have found UCL to be the seventh best University in the World. UCL is third in the UK, with only two other UK Universities above UCL; Oxford and Cambridge.

This follows reports from The Tab earlier this summer that UCL was ranked seventh best in the whole of the UK.

King’s College London was meanwhile all the way back in 23rd in the rankings; dropping two places since last year. KCL is tied with The University of Edinburgh for this position.

The next best London University to UCL, was Imperial, ranking just one spot below the Euston based university in eighth place.

Queen Mary ranked four places lower than last year, being 127th in the world rankings.

Meanwhile SOAS dropped 44 places since last year, and are now 296th in the rankings.