Have your opportunity to save the IOE bar

The original petition made to save the bar from closure has over 2,100 signatures

After UCL considered plans to close The Institute Bar at the Institution of Education back in May, the Tab reported on the petition started by Caitlin Law to save the bar and prevent its closure.

Since then, that original petition has gained over 2,100 supporters, and needs just over 300 more to reach the target amount of support for the petition.

This week the petition was updated, and now provides both UCL and UCL-IOE students with the chance to voice their opinions on whether the bar should close. Students can do this in 2 ways:

Either they can partake in an online survey, which can be found here. The update on the petition describes the content of the new survey:

‘Although it does not ask questions that are directly related to the issues we are currently challenging – i.e. relocation and reduction of the bar plus social space, closing of the prayer room, and closing of the canteen – it does provide space for comments (at the bottom of each page, and at the end).’

The survey also makes clear UCL’s plans for the space. You can find out more here.

Students can also voice their concerns at the plans by attending consultation drop-ins, which are hosted by UCL Estates, the architects of the plans, and by the Project Team behind them.

The final consultation that students are able to attend is on Wednesday 14th June, from 11:00 until 14:00, in the Committee Room 1 of the Institute of Education, in Level 4 of the building.

To find out more about the updates on the original petition to save the IOE bar, click here.