Ramsay Hall WON’T be closing next year

Is this a blessing?

In May we released a eulogy to the infamous UCL Ramsay Hall accommodation, after it was announced that it would be closing for renovations in the academic year 2018/19. However, it now seems that Ramsay will not in fact close next year.

Towards the end of the 17/18 year, multiple staff working at Ramsay, including receptionists and dinner staff, told residents that the beloved halls would be open for the next academic year.

The Tab contacted UCL for a comment and were told “Ramsay Hall will be closing for planned refurbishment works this summer.” However, when asked directly whether they could confirm Ramsay will not reopen in September, UCL did not comment.

However, since then the UCL accommodation website has been updated to clarify that Ramsay Hall will indeed remain open in the upcoming year.

Another year for Coldplay to swing by, then.