Meet the UCL rugby squad bringing the Varsity trophy home and making KCL cry
Men’s rugby has left the chat, but don’t worry
In the final instalment of the Varsity Series, the girls plan on lifting the trophy and bringing the title home.
You've met the lacrosse team, you've met netball, but now meet the big guns
Although men’s rugby has left the chat, you can still grab tickets here.
Elisabeth Heilbronner- Lahoud, 2nd Year Arts & Sciences
Where to start with Elisabeth? With the fact that she lives with nuns? Or maybe by saying that her true worship is MARVEL and Star Wars. What really matters is her love for rugby and her ability to bosh through any defensive line. If curfew can’t keep a girl from attending drinks, King’s won’t stand a chance in keeping her away from getting UCL a big win.
Milly Cadman: 2nd Year Classics
The captain of this year’s varsity squad takes no prisoners. While she studies the great Greek and Roman writers, Milly is proud of her own “cultural heritage” centred around pie-eating. Hailing from Wigan, home to rugby royalty the Farrells (close family friends but we don’t wish to show off), our herculean lass plans on tackling each and every member of the KCL squad right into the Underworld. KCL ur a pie, and Milly is going to eat u x
Tilly Chapman, 3rd Year Biochemistry
Our coach’s favourite player, she is the heart of UCLWRFC, and so are her dogs.
Sadly, Tilly no longer attends Sportsnite on the reg, but when the legend does, she calls closed pizza places to ask for leftovers. Being a (fake) vegetarian doesn’t stop her from eating non veggie percy pigs after matches. She says she’s changed, but we all remember when she vomited on herself on the bus to Paris.
A true national treasure, just ask all 10 of her family members watching her at Varsity.
Marjolein Heemskerk, 3rd Year Classical Archaeology
A weapon.
Camilla Barlow, MA Comparative Education
Camilla wins every line out she’s in, some would say she’s born with it, others would say it’s the £30 worth of McDonald’s she buys after loop.
At 26, with naughty stories from tour, wearing a catsuit to loop and then turning up at the President’s house at 3am with a loud solo opera rendition of Titanium by Sia. Camilla doesn’t let age slow her down, and neither will Kings.
Camilla plans to get married in the next 3 years, so watch out boys, she loves a good ruck.
Eloïse Llyod, 2nd Year Anthropology
On your average Friday night, London's foremost techno connoisseur can be found in an edgy venue you've never heard of. This week however, we've been lucky to convince her to hang up the ~~wavy garms~ for her UCL kit. She breezes across the pitch with a similar outlook to life. Ball in hand and 4 defenders to crash through? Done. Get sat down by another hefty prop? No biggie. Falls out of the tree at your house party into a pile of vomit? Just move on. A real dusts-herself-off and gets-the-job-done kinda gal.
Rosalind Chaston, 1st Year Arts & Sciences
Ros had a tough start to the season. Her first comeback match after a few seasons on the touch circuit left her with a golf ball sized protrusion, placed conveniently in centre forehead just in time to claim 2018's most realistic Halloween costume.
Luckily she made a speedy recovery and has cemented her position in the back row. Pre-Scrum, Ros can always be relied on for that slap on the bum and little pep talk that we all desperately need in times of darkness. Just don't ask her to play Hooker again.
"Come on then lads, in nice and tight, big push yeh, let's drive them off it yeh"
Fay Morris, 4th Year Anthropology
Did you know Fay did a year abroad in NeW ZeaLANd?!??!! Did you know she’s played with several bLAck fERnS?!?!?!?! The gobbiest welfare sec we’ve ever had, she WILL tell you off on the pitch and she WILL tell you off if you GET ON THE TUBE WHEN THERE ISN’T ANY ROOM! “THERE WILL BE ANOTHER TRAIN IN 2 MINUTES WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY?!??!?!?!”
Emilia Olsen, 4th Year German and Art History
You don’t have to ask our scrumhalf Emilia about her year abroad in Germany, she’ll tell you. As a final year and Treasurer of the club, we expected Emilia to settle down. However, Emilia may be awarded the honorary prize of “freshest senior”, some of her antics include:
– an eventful trip from loop to the floor of Brighton railway station
– doing roly polys in the loop smoking area
– “I have more pints in my body than blood”
We’ll definitely be watching Emilia ping balls across the pitch, but who knows what she’s going to do at the afterparty.
Helena Abou- Haidar Ventura, 1st Year ESPS
If you missed her controversial Halloween costume (ask her about her favourite way to wear a belt), seeing her on the rugby pitch is your next best option to understand Helena’s sense of sensitivity (or lack thereof). Although a few French cuss words might slip out here and there, she channels most of her aggression in tackling and yelling out the calls as our flyhalf – the rest goes into her legendary dance moves.
Catharina Dyvi Knudtzon, MSc Development Administration and Planning
You couldn't miss her even if you tried, but in case your eyes are not quick enough to catch a glimpse of our tallest winger ever – your ears might catch her yelling (out of joy or anger) in her Viking dialect. Watch out for her boot and her step, ex-football player Cat will make you run Poly. And although she insists on 'keeping it classy' on the pitch, we'd like to give out a warning for King's supporters too – she hears it all, and she does NOT like her game to be disturbed by people questioning the ref… Now you know.
Megan Hollyman, 1st Year Linguistics
Our Jersey girl has a nasty hand-off, it’s what gets her through the opposition’s defensive line, as one of our few 1st years to make the Varsity squad, Megan has secured her spot as our inside centre with masterly finesse.
Despite being a seasoned player, Megan still falls victim to the UCLWRFC bar tab, Megan has woken up on the floor of her flat post loop too many times, and loves to return there in the daytime to collect all her personal belongings (dignity included).
Always bringing 110 per cent, watch out for Megan on the pitch and at the afterparty.
Flo Fowkes, 2nd Year Medicine
One piece of advice for King’s about Flo, watch out for your noses! We hear they tend to break if you get too close to her rucks (ask our fly-half)… We’ll keep the surprise for all of you, but make sure you keep an eye out for our tiny but hella-mighty back. Watch out Strand Poly, the Frenchest of Brits is coming for you with sass, speed and a peculiar fascination in the placenta…
Lea Cavalli, 2nd Year Human Genetics
What our smallest girl lacks for in size, she more than makes up for in attitude and aggression. A little bit of a hippy, King’s players won’t get any of her peace and love, and although she is very keen to save the environment, all life on the pitch will be eradicated if it’s in her way… Famously French, you won’t want to miss Lea. Full of life and energy – she will be hibernating through her hangover for at least a week after the afterparty.
Aly Heine, 3rd Year Human Sciences
Aly's notorious for never queuing for queue jump, knowing all the staff of student bars and as the angel who brought back ULU. Our in-house speed demon brings hell on the pitch and in her personal life. Aly has also lent clothes to practically every member of the club this year, allowing us to turn up to Sportsnite in something other than dirty kit. These gifts have been very gratefully received and always improved our nights out. The endless shots of tequila upon arrival at Loop have not. NO MORE BAR TAB FOR ALY.
Cadyn Morgan- McGregor, 1st Year Security and Crime Science
A near perfect attendance to sportsnite hasn’t stopped our most American fresher from making her way into our first team’s pack. One year of rugby may have affected her liver, but her youth will shine through on the pitch and if her American accent doesn’t strike you, it’ll only be because she’ll have knocked you out in silence.
Ursula, MSc Security Studies
Has turned off all microphone and camera access to facebook “for security reasons”. Glad the masters is going well hun x
Kate Bovey, 4th Year History
Last year's captain is looking to avoid A&E at this year's Varsity and is returning to Allianz with a fire in her belly and a bone to pick with King's. This season she's made the jump from backline to back row where we can see her fierce tackling skills and snappy line breaks up close and personal.
She'll be on high alert for:
. High balls sent by Coach Chris
. Knock-you-on-your-arse balls rebounding from the crossbar
. Aggy opposition fly halves… Naming no names. cough cough #Keep it classy.
Elise Walker, 2nd Year Psychology and Education
Have you not seen Elise on every form of Varsity marketing this year? Our poster girl is good looking off and on the pitch. She may come across as shy and reserved but on the pitch she is an absolute weapon 😉
Catch her (if you can) playing flanker but boys be careful if you pine after her, she's highly sought after.
Eva Attubato, 4th Year Medicine
A traditionally aggressive and unpredictable scrum-half, Eva loves a good fight – just ask Reading. This Danny Care-esque player gets the opponents riled up with her quick feet and sniping attitude. Watch our in house doctor come off the bench and supposedly play her 'last' game. Fingers crossed, she makes it through the after-party without soggy jeans or getting dragged out by bouncers.
Risa Miyazaki Sankar, 2nd Year Psychology and Education
Speed is Risa's game but not when it comes to downing pints. She often pussies out and hands her man of the match pint over to another unexpecting player. That's not to mean she doesn't have her fair share of drinks cough Paris cough. She may be 5"1 (on a good day) but her miniature body has saved our asses a couple times by diving under the ball to hold up tries. She packs 97 per cent muscles and 3 per cent mouth and her quads can be spotted from the 22. So, watch out for them legs, kings, because she will catch you off guard.
Marta Arrizzabalaga-Cascallana, 3rd Year Biotechnology
For a third consecutive year our Spanish menace is back on the pitch! Marta’s accent is nowhere near as strong as her tackling skills and line-breaking abilities –and in case you’re not familiar, Spanish accents already are intimidating on a pitch! Forwards and backs alike, get out of her way or she will flip you like a tortilla!
Q, 2nd Year Psychology and Education
Q started this year with a bang (x3), but going into a fully committed relationship has tamed and whipped her into shape (from full loop attendance to zero this year). Q is a team player that you can trust to always be there to catch your offloads, or one that comes to your rescue and rucks over you with her strong ass sexy body (sometimes whacking your face in the process with her trusty legs). You will hear her growl win the D line, but nowhere near as loud as she snores (if you went on tour you must’ve heard her).
Coach Chris, Social Media Influencer
Light of our lives, teller of dad-jokes, catchphrase king. Not as fast as TP at downing a pint.
TP, Entire Life dedicated to Ruggers
The newest addition to UCLWRFC, a picture paints a thousand words.