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UCL is OFFICIALLY the eighth best university in the world

Obviously we ranked 25 places higher than King’s

Once again UCL have smashed it, having been ranked today as the eighth best university in the world by the QS World Ranking 2020, rising two places from last year.

The rankings show what UCL students always known – it’s the best university in London! UCL dominated the London rankings, beating Imperial College London by one place, and of course ranking higher than Kings, who had a meagre ranking of 33rd. We also beat the notorious try-hards LSE, who only managed to rank 44th.

UCL also beat other world-famous universities including Ivy League colleges in the US like Yale and Columbia.

The only two UK universities which ranked higher are Oxford and Cambridge as might be expected, but even then, Cambridge has fallen to only one place ahead of UCL!

So to all UCL students, now exams are over there’s nothing left to do but sit back and bask in our academic glory…