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Here’s why you should write for the London Tab

You already know you want to

With a new year of scoops and stories ahead, we've put together a list of reasons you should come along – as if you need convincing.

Write the stories you actually want to

We give our writers the freedom to write about the things that actually interest them. From reviewing shows around uni to pursuing Very Important Toilet Seat Journalism, no pitch is too off-the-wall for us.

We cover everything from breaking news to celeb sightings and the local stories that really affect us (it's been too long, KOKO). And we write it in a way that makes other students want to read it.

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Get ahead in journalism

Looking to become a journalist in the future? A lot of our Tab alumni go on to do just that. Stories broken on the Tab periodically go on to be taken up by national papers, and so do some of our writers. You can find them at Vogue, The Guardian, The Telegraph and many more.

You'll have fun

We promise. Not only are you hearing all the campus gossip before anyone else, you'll be meeting people from all over uni and having a laugh whole you do it. Our team's great – even if we do say so ourselves – and we'd love to have you be a part of it!