All the relevant no detriment and safety net petitions for your London Uni
There are so many petitions going round but which ones are for your uni?
Almost 24 hours on from the announcement of Lockdown the Third, students are unsurprisingly up in arms about the lack of consideration for their wellbeing and general incoherent guidance on what they should and shouldn’t be doing.
However, one of the main concerns is how this latest lockdown affects their ability to academically perform this year with no access to libraries or campus facilities on top of the already existing difficulties of online learning. And so, the call to action has inspired students across London to write letters to their universities, sign petitions and seek justice for themselves.
If you are wondering how you can get involved at your own university check out the information below:
King’s students are demanding that the university uphold their safety net policy from 2019-2020 in the coming academic year. They say that since Covid period is evidently far from over then it is more than justifiable to have a safety net in place for students this year.
They state that:
“Especially since the situation has only gotten worse since the introduction of the ‘safety net’ policy in March 2020. The emerging new strain is much more (50-70%) transmissible and students are likely to be personally affected by it.
Since King’s College London claimed that the aim of the policy is ‘to make sure that (our) overall performance for the year is not negatively affected by circumstances associated with the COVID-19 period‘, we think it is fair to apply the ‘safety net’ policy this year, since the COVID-19 period is not over.”
You can sign the petition here.
Another petition has also been set up more recently accounting for both financial and academic difficulties.
You can sign this petition here.
London Southbank
London Southbank Students are not just having to navigate another national lockdown but their Moodle was affected in a cyberattack this week preventing students from being able to access resources from their previous term.
They are demanding the same no detriment policy as last year is implemented to help level the playing field for students in 2021.
You can sign the petition here.
Queen Mary’s students have not only had to deal with the stress of being sent back onto campus whilst the new variant is raging through the capital but are in the middle of their winter exams and conflicted on whether or not they should stay at home or go to uni.
Their demands are short and sweet:
“It is pretty self-explanatory: bring back non-detriment!”
Look at the society we are living in right now: do you sincerely believe this is “normal”? Bring the non-detriment policy back! No ifs, no buts! It is time to make things right!”
To sign the petition click here.
A UCL student has set up an open letter for students to email their provosts and senior staff members. Whilst the letter was tailored to UCL students, Dom, the writer, has said that students from across the country can tailor it and send it out to their own university senior management.
The letter can be found here.
UCL Justice for Students set up a petition prior to the third lockdown calling for UCL to reinstate the 2020 no detriment policy this year. The petition has just passed 2,390 signatures.
To sign the petition click here.
This is the letter they have put together and sent to the Provost.
We will continue to update this page with the various petitions and letters as they become available.
If you don’t see your university on this list you can sign the national petition calling for a no detriment policy here.