Which UCL Libraries are open for Term 3? Find out here
To all you finalists competing for study spaces, may the odds be ever in your favour
From the week commencing 19 April a series of additional library resources have been opened by UCL in accordance with the Government roadmap, easing lockdown measures across the UK.
In addition to the libraries (and hospitals) that have been open as study spaces for Term 2, a further seven UCL libraries are being opened in Term 3 to serve as study spaces and provide click and collect services.
Here are all the new places you can study and request books from in Term 3:
•Bartlett Library: open for study spaces and click and collect.
• Cruciform Hub: open for study spaces and click and collect.
• Institute of Archaeology Library: open for study spaces and click and collect
• Institute of Orthopaedics Library: open for study spaces.
• Joint Library of Ophthalmology: open for study spaces and click and collect.
• Senate House Hub: open for study spaces (UCL postgraduates and staff only).
• SSEES Library: open for study spaces and click and collect.
For more information on the times and days that you can book study slots at each of these library spaces click here.
Scan and send services are still running from several additional libraries too, for those studying remotely from London. Specifically, the Bartlett Library, Cruciform Hub, Institute of Archaeology Library, Institute of Education Library, Main Library, Royal Free Hospital Medical Library, School of Pharmacy Library, Science Library and SSEES Library.
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