Clubbers of the Week: Scala Edition
Sports Night moving to Scala is proving to be a whole new level of wild
It’s been just over three weeks since the TeamUCL Sports Night was moved to Scala, and students dutifully avoiding their course deadlines are here for it. The move to the King’s Cross clubbing venue has proven to be very popular, with queues wrapping around the building at 11pm, a.k.a. the time you were supposed to start that essay.
I went to last week’s Sports Night after a two-year clubbing hiatus (that’s an appallingly long amount of time, I know), it’s safe to say that the night was reminiscent of entering a zoo. The smell of cheap vodka brought back all the clubbing vibes I can now romanticise in retrospect, although I have to say it’s shocking how much quicker I get tired as a 4th year student.
Today, we are bringing you clubbers of the week: Scala edition. You can almost hear the DJ cranking up Trap Queen for the third time that hour.
Best outfit/dressed:
So… they definitely do business stuff, right? I’m sorry, but nobody else would wear a full-on suit to Scala. We’ve got to give props to these guys for the dedication, but I wonder how they didn’t overheat in those blazers. If they started a Finance Bros Gone Wild show, these guys would definitely be on it.
Runners Up:
We couldn’t go without giving an honorary mention to the guy on the right, who time-travelled in from Ancient Rome. We have so many questions – was this a planned costume theme? Is that really his bedsheet? Has he safety-pinned it all in place…? Nonetheless, he’s giving off serious main character energy and we are living for it.
Best colour co-ordination:
An all-white outfit theme for a clubbing night is a very risky decision but it definitely looks like it paid off for these students – don’t they just look angelic? (No, I didn’t just pick this picture because my friend is in it – we have morals at the Tab, people).
Runners Up:
This duo dazzled in blue at Scala, but they deserve a reward for just showing up to the club in summer outfits. Isn’t anyone else curious about how they didn’t get cold waiting outside in the queue? Or maybe the cold doesn’t bother them anyway.
Swaggiest students:
When you approach this group, the first thing you’d want to ask them is if the caps are ironic. Are they swaggy or “swaggy”? We may never know. Those sunglasses are sure going to help with tomorrow’s hangover, though. (Also, what’s up with the tinsel whip? Dare we ask?)
Runners Up:
I don’t know what it is but they give off swag energy without even trying. Maybe it’s the glasses, maybe it’s the jacket, maybe it’s the peace signs, but they look like they hit the club after Coachella.
Keenest clubbers:
Getting a spot by the barrier is the key to this much happiness at the club, probably because you can finally see your friends through the vape smoke. Look how enthusiastic they are about a semi-fresh air break!
Runners Up:
At first glance, you might think that these are just a group of pals enjoying a night out together. What you don’t realize is that the tactical arm positioning is a way of defending their territory by holding onto the barrier. They definitely didn’t lose their space at the front that night.
Most stand-out sunglasses:
A bit of a niche category, but the sunglasses really do grab your attention when looking at this picture. Then you realise how much is actually going on with the outfits. It’s giving overworked-employees-take-a-trip-to-Ibiza vibes.
Runners Up:
In this picture, the tie-dye clad guy in the middle is carrying the weight of the group, both in terms of his sunglasses and the fact that if he moved, they’d definitely all fall over.
Most vibey clubbers:
If you stare long enough, you’ll hear the “So I put my hands up, they’re playing my song, and the butterflies fly away” in the background. They’re nodding their heads like yeah. Moving their hips like yeah. This photo should be framed for good vibes.
Runners Up:
We can’t tell who gives off better vibes – the photobombers or the girls in the front. Anyways, there’s no way you can fake that face.
Most wholesome trio:
I don’t know about anyone else, but don’t you just want to give these girls a massive hug? They seem like they’re definitely supportive in the girls’ bathroom and will 10/10 lend you their mascara if you cry.
Runners Up:
Not to be cheesy, but… their outfits may be matching but so are their smiles. Something about them just makes you want to be their friend.
Most out-of-place clubbers:
These guys definitely skipped the pregame and are now watching all their friends do embarrassing, drunk things. At least there’s a decent possibility of them making it to their early Thursday morning lectures, right?
Runners Up:
Are these guys modelling for ASOS or vibing in a club? Nobody’s allowed to look this put-together after a few hours of sweaty dancing, it’s really not fair. God does have favourites.
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