Here’re the London unis where grads are most likely to get a job or study offer
We are very sorry art students
The Times Good University Guide for 2023 has just been released. It ranked 132 unis around the country on their overall performance and areas like student satisfaction, completion rate, and social inclusion.
London unis are ranked well on many of these, with the University of West London topping the list for student experience and teaching quality, and Imperial and LSE being amongst the top five unis overall in the U.K.
But what many students are most concerned about, given the raging cost-of-living crisis, is how likely they’ll be employed or offered further study after graduating. And here’s how The Times ranked London unis on their graduate prospect:
To no one’s surprise, Imperial came first with a stunning 95.2 per cent of grads securing a place in work or academia. It is followed by St. George’s, UoL, which is famous for its highly-employable programmes in med school and research-focused health sciences.
Other big-name London unis – UCL, King’s, and LSE – are also ranked well, with only around 20 per cent of grads unemployed and not pursuing more studies.
Unfortunately, UAL grads have to contend with the fact that only a little lower than two-thirds of all grads can go into work or further studies. Other unis well-known for their arts programmes aren’t much better off either: just over 60 per cent of Ravensbourne Uni and Goldsmiths grads end up with a job or emergency Master’s offer.
These newest data did nothing but prove the employment gap between STEM subjects and the arts. We can only give our best wishes to all London students, many of whom are already “heavily concerned” about their finances.
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