Nominations for The London Tab’s Big Name On Campus 2023 are now OPEN
You know you need an ego boost before the exam season starts
That time of the year is coming again when we pronounce the library our home for two months. Well, we’re pleased to distract you from the looming misery with the return of our Big Name On Campus (BNOC) competition!
Tired of a mate bragging about their followers on socials (even though half of them are probably bots)? Know someone who acts like they’re the next Warren Buffett just because they study business? And how can we forget people with body counts so high you wonder you they’re passing in uni?
Whoever it is, nominate them as a BNOC for that much-needed ego boost. And yes, you can nominate yourself too – we don’t judge.
So, how does it work?
The process is simple: all nominations will be posted on our IG stories (@thelondontab) for London students to vote on their ultimate BNOC.
To nominate your favourite BNOC (or an attention-seeking mate), DM us a pic of them on Instagram with the following info: their name, age, IG handle, uni and degree, and a strength and a weakness. Your submissions will be kept anonymous.
We’re dividing nominations into two groups based on their unis, with the winners of each group going against each other in the finals.
Here’re the unis in each group:
Will the big-name unis prevail, or will the biggest names come from smaller campuses? Get your nominations in ASAP, and we shall see.
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