

This is what your choice of study space at UEA says about you

This is for those people who decide to play drill loudly in the library on a Monday night

This is what your student life at UEA would be like if you starred on a reality TV show

That’s showbiz baby

How to host the ultimate Eurovision party with your UEA housemates, by students who have done it

With it being held in the UK this year, there’s no excuse not to

This is every type of person you’ll meet in your University of East Anglia halls

Good luck surviving a year with some of these people

This is what iconic British kids’ show you are based on your UEA course

Are you ready for a throwback?

11 UEA moments which automatically make you feel like a functioning adult

When you realise you have responsibilities and life isn’t Freshers forever

10 iconic Norwich BeReals that every UEA student has definitely taken

The few BeReals that weren’t taken in bed or at work

10 self care tips for every UEA student in semester two

Ways to stay sane until the Easter break

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


The ultimate guide to finding part-time work in Norwich as a uni student

Best of luck, from someone who is overworked and underpaid

These eight things are guaranteed to happen on every night out in Norwich

If you’re not taking a photo on the plane every time you’re in Loft then you’re doing it wrong

18 things at UEA that would send a Victorian child into a coma

A Victorian child wouldn’t even survive one day in Norwich

Stuck what to ask Father Christmas for? Here are seven must-haves for every UEA girlie

How many of these gifts you can spot on campus?

This is what British band you belong in based on your Norwich degree

Please don’t change your degree because of this, you can’t all be as cool as Alex Turner

I spent a week romanticising my student life in Norwich to get into the Christmas spirit

Tis the season to pretend your life is a movie

The Norwich Tab is looking for new writers and we want you!

The best bit is: you don’t need any experience

Meet the Norwich couple making £100k a month selling feminist clothing through TikTok

They embroider slogans like ‘sleigh the patriarchy’ onto clothes