BLOCK-BUSTED: Innocent Students Accused of Burglary
A group of innocent, if not slightly inebriated students were falsely accused of breaking into Blockbusters on Portswood high street.
When returning from a boozy night at Jesters a group of innocent, if not slightly inebriated students were falsely accused of breaking into Blockbusters on Portswood high street. Our reporters were first on the scene to witness the chain of events as they occurred.
Having spoken exclusively to the students involved we discovered what had actually taken place. Whilst passing Blockbusters on the way home the students had noticed the security alarm going off and plumes of smoke billowing inside. Heroically and without hesitation they decided to take action.
They called both the police and fire services before forcing open the front door in an attempt to rescue anyone who may have been trapped inside, running in without even a thought for their own wellbeing. However, having entered the building they soon realised that the smoke was not actually the result of a fire but instead the stores defence mechanism to any burglary attempt.
The students then proceeded to exit the building only to find police and firemen waiting for them outside. The pair were then vigorously interrogated and accused of a crime they had actually tried to prevent. After much deliberation they were finally able to convince the police of their innocence in the situation.
The authorities began to search the store to find the real cause of the disturbance. Five minutes later they emerged outside with the true culprit in handcuffs who had been hiding inside the store.
Despite the fact that the students had been instrumental in the capture of the thief they received no thanks from the police or apologies for the accusations made against them and have been left somewhat harrowed by the whole ordeal.
This begs the question as to whether or not drunken heroism is actually a good idea?