Feminist misleads students spreading Nestle LIES with help of the Wessex Scene
Miss Green made outrageous and grandiose claims such as, “Would you find Nescafé so tasty if you knew that every time you provided that company with money, it was responsible for a thousand deaths?” That’s right Chloe – one thousand deaths for every cup of coffee.
This afternoon, all hell broke loose when the Wessex Scene published an article by Feminist Chloe Green, in an attempt to ban all Nestle products from campus, including Kit-Kats, Rolos, and M&M’s. Being a publication which normally prides itself on fair, balanced, and truthful articles, it seems this time the Wessex Scene has taken a step too far.
Miss Green made outrageous and grandiose claims such as, “Would you find Nescafé so tasty if you knew that every time you provided that company with money, it was responsible for a thousand deaths?” That’s right – one thousand deaths for every cup of coffee.
Nestle is apparently the most boycotted company in history, with boycotts going on since 1977. This has been because the company has been infant formula (milk substitute) away for children whose mothers’ have HIV, to stop the children getting the virus as well. Fundamentally a very positive thing.
However, the milk substitute needs to be mixed with water to be used, and a problem with needing this in Africa is that often contaminated water is mixed in and given to the infants. Tragically this contributes to a large number of deaths each year.
One reader on the Wessex Scene naively commented on the biased article: “I was completely ignorant of Nestlé’s involvement in the formula milk market let alone how they’re exploiting it. I can’t understand how they could be getting away with this?”
Chloe Green, the current President of the Feminist Society, made a name for herself when she heckled David Cameron during his General Election campaign in April last year.
During the conversation she claimed, “I’m not voting Labour, I want real change”, and concluded the discussion saying to Mr Cameron, “I don’t believe you”. We can only assume Miss Green voted for the Liberal Democrats.
You can see the full video here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/8644380.stm
While Nestle is far from being a ‘consumer champion’, they sell the milk formula to mothers who cannot or will not breastfeed, in order to help their babies stay free from HIV. It seems that the milk formula is unfortunately the lesser of two evils in this case.
The vote on whether to put the proposal through will be taken at the next Union Council, where hopefully members will have researched the issue properly.