5 Facts You Didn't Know About Southampton University
Your three years at Southampton are likely to be divided between culling your brain cells with the cheapest available alcohol and then frantically trying to re-grow them during the exam […]
Your three years at Southampton are likely to be divided between culling your brain cells with the cheapest available alcohol and then frantically trying to re-grow them during the exam period.
But what facts about our illustrious University have escaped you in the meantime?
1) You didn’t make it here on merit. Your applications were carefully fed in to a computer that was designed to randomly allocate course spaces. Our University is too benevolent to let its staff endure the UCAS personal statement, scientifically proven to induce insanity.
2) The Stag’s Head is named after a sporting tradition started by the Covenant of Lads, who hunt any of their peers daring to marry and aim to return with their head as a trophy. These are kept out of sight behind the bar. Next to the glasses.
The UCAS personal statement, which sounds like "bloop, bloop, blip, blip, bloop."
3) The Bridge Bar began its life as an ambitious attempt to build a literal bridge between Southampton and Solent students, but the project was swiftly abandoned when the architects wanted a drink, and built a bar instead.
4) Uni-link bus drivers are a rare, super-human breed expertly engineered for duty in the Life Sciences building. No ordinary person could deal with the bustle and commotion they’re subjected to on the night time route to Portswood. Thanks guys!
5) The EEE building is named after the horrible noise made by freshers on their first trip down University Road.