Southampton Students: Why You So Snobby?

Alice North looks at Southampton’s classic snobbery

There are many reasons that University students feel that they are entitled to be snobby. For students at Southampton, this is the first time that most of us have ever lived away from the clutches of mum/dad/insertappropriateparentalfigure. Being away from home, living in your very own student house or halls, managing your own finances and not completely failing at your degree can make a person feel rather special. Many of us have never been so grown up before and everybody knows that makes you sexier, smarter and generally better… right?

WRONG. University of Southampton students are notoriously snobby. Be it because of our backgrounds, life experiences or even the fact that Southampton is a member of the Russell Group; many of us have a certain expectation for the better things in life. As students, we are often riddled with hypocrisy when we do this, so The Tab has collected some of the best examples of classic Southampton snobbery;

‘Jesters’ the wonderful Palace of Dreams… It’s kinda like a third world country yet many of the students that enjoy it twice a week shop at Waitrose which provides their Sunday quail.

Living in a beautiful Edwardian Gordon Avenue house that you treat like a slum just because your landlord wouldn’t fix your gate.

Buying a dress from Topshop and only wearing it once because after all there were loads of photos taken of you that night.

Being a member of the medics rugby team and not being an ex public schoolboy. ‘She doesn’t even go here lads’.

The classic hosting of three course dinner parties on paper plates with olives as aperitifs.

Snuggling up to your electric blanket every night in the winter months but being far too cheap to turn on the heating.

Having a food fight in Manzil’s after graduation ball in your £400 tux.

Being far too clever to go to Solent yet sticking out like a sore thumb whilst skanking at a drum and bass night in Junk.

Becoming a member of SUWSC and picking up a ‘rah’ accent despite being from Watford.

Feeling outraged that the University classes maths as a Social Science although you don’t do maths and barely scraped GCSE.

Walking around the Cube on a Friday night with your JCR polo on asking people if they know who you are. YOU ARE THE WORST.

Only four hours of lectures a week for semester two so casually spending at least double that moaning about upcoming deadlines.

Shooting people dirty looks in Hartley library for talking but then going there the next day with your best mate to pick apart her current relationship

Rating members of the opposite sex out of ten and partly basing this on their social standing within the committees that they are members of.

Obviously not every student at the University of Southampton is guilty of this snobbery and of course these are massive generalizations. As a group of students, we can relate to the above… which is scary. Nobody should make themselves appear better in a snobbish manner as often this makes other people feel small.

As the degree ‘educated’ collection of young people, students have even more responsibility to break stereotypical views of our generation and empower others. There are so many things students can do better than snobbery so don’t we owe it to ourselves?

Do you have any more examples of classic Southampton snobbery? Are you a Solent student that has seen Southampton snobbery in action? Would you like these to be added or shared? Comment below, or contact us on Facebook or Twitter .