Elections: Bringing Out the WORST in People
There are just over 24 hours of voting left and things on campus are starting to get desperate. Maybe it’s because elections have spanned out over two weeks, maybe it’s […]
There are just over 24 hours of voting left and things on campus are starting to get desperate. Maybe it’s because elections have spanned out over two weeks, maybe it’s because the terrible weather this year has made everyone cranky…but whatever the reason, certain people who will remain unnamed are resorting to the lowest of the low.
Tactical Voting
I am easily the most guilty of this. I haven’t voted yet as who knows what other scandals may unfold before tomorrow BUT when I do it’s not going to reflect how I really feel. For example, candidate X is getting my first vote and but if candidate X doesn’t win I would really like it to go to candidate Y. However, candidate Y is nearly as popular as candidate X so will be likely to get everyone’s second votes as candidate X is not popular enough to win outright. This means that because I truly want candidate X to win, I will vote my second choice candidate (Y) after RON because that will give my first choice a better advantage. Phew.
Lying in manifestos
So as not to single anyone out, I will pick on everyone’s favourite Michelle Dando to make this point. Dando promises to paint the Maths Tower green and glittery if elected but that simply isn’t possible. Painting the maths tower green would be down to the University and as much as SUSU could lobby the University to do it, they wouldn’t have to. There are many many more examples of this sort of thing in current candidates’ manifestos. Perhaps it is not outright ‘lying’ as such, but naivety and lack of understanding about what is achievable within SUSU. If you can’t do it then don’t promise to. Of course, there have been one or two examples of outright lying in manifestos, with some candidates claiming they have been to committees relevant to their roles yet they do not appear on the minutes and clearly don’t have the foggiest about how they work. You know who you are.
Hidden Agendas
Oh so you really care about SUSU media as a whole but yet you plan to improve only Surge and the Wessex Scene? You were a Surge DJ in your second year and now you write for the scene? So you are captain of the street squad and you want to raise the budget for Pure Dance? What a surprise! People that are passionate and want to change specific things going for a role that encompasses everything. I understand why you people do it but at least be honest that you are doing it. The above are completely fabricated examples by the way, JUST TO MAKE THAT CRYSTAL CLEAR FOR EVERYONE.
Arrogance not confidence
A current sabbatical once said to me that you have to be a little bit arrogant to run for Sabb. I disagree because whilst you do have to believe that you are the best person for the job, you don’t have to be a knob about it. Believe that you should win, but don’t feel entitled to it. You need to be prepared to be a gracious loser. Just in case.
Casual Cheating
Going into lecture theatres after one of your rivals have just left and scribbling their name off the whiteboard to write your own. Watching someone’s banner get blown over in the wind and keeping it quiet. Laughing your head off when your tipsy and misguided campaign team tell you about ripping posters from the toilet walls in the Stags. You really don’t make me or anyone else want to vote for you, and believe you me, you don’t deserve to win either.
Sucking up
In the last two weeks I have gained about 30 best friends. It’s really lovely, I never knew I was so popular. I walk into Jesters/Sobar/Bridge/SUSU and I get cuddles and questions and lots of love. It’s not real though, is it? I hope people are this nice but I am ever the skeptic. Of course some people you get to know during campaign week are your true friends, but be wary of the elections friend leech and heed my warning. Also be careful anyone who says they are voting for you if they have already changed their profile picture to your rival, they are probably lying.
It’s come down to integrity and morals. When the elections finish tomorrow you may win or you may lose but you will be the same person. Inevitably people will know who you are now thanks to the media eye so consider what you want to be remembered for. Integrity is all a person really has and is so important to anyone. Don’t let elections bring out the worst in you, it won’t be forgotten.