21 Questions With… Mixed Lacrosse
Each week The Tab have been catching up with an AU sports team and getting them to answer our quick fire questions, this week we chatted to Mixed Lacrosse. Name: Michael Speer […]
Each week The Tab have been catching up with an AU sports team and getting them to answer our quick fire questions, this week we chatted to Mixed Lacrosse.
Degree Programme: Civil Engineering
Position in Club: President
Was Southampton your first choice? Yes
Worst Uni moment? Not playing lacrosse in my first year
Scared of anything? Monkeys weird me out quite a bit
Abiding memory of freshers week? You didn’t really do freshers right if you remember it.
Favourite Sobar toilet man saying? No splash, no gash
Jesticle or Juicy Lucy? Jesticle
Food or sex? Silly question
Sambuca or Tequila? Tequila
Jesters or Sobar? J’s
Soton Tab or Wessex Scene? Tab
Team nickname? Sharks
Club’s best achievement? Winning the League, cleaning up at the AU ball.
How can our readers identify your club/team on a night out? The ones in the best fancy dress downing jesticles like pros
Trademark social? It ends in Jesters and starts with Frosty Jacks
When do you play? Train Thursdays, Wide Lane, 6-8, Games Sundays
Why should I join in no more than 15 words? I hear the president is dreamy
One word to describe you? Uproarious
One word to describe Southampton? Grimy
One word to describe your club? Betterthanyours
You have to live in one university building for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why? Murray, I pretty much live there near exams anyway
Interested in joining Mixed Lacrosse? Then take a look at their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter.
For More 21 Questions With… check out American Football here and Rugby here.