Britain's Horniest Student

Student dating website ShagAtUni has crowned Exeter Uni undergrad Elina Desaine “Britain’s Horniest Student.” The Latvian-born IT and Business Management student admits to having sex “most nights” with up to […]

Student dating website ShagAtUni has crowned Exeter Uni undergrad Elina Desaine “Britain’s Horniest Student.”

The Latvian-born IT and Business Management student admits to having sex “most nights” with up to 2 or 3 different guys a week, and has nicknamed herself “Slutvian.” Her prize for winning the title was £500, a phone, alcohol and a year’s supply of condoms.

Slutvia: Britain’s horniest student (Image: Flordalane Vergara/ ShagAtUni)

In her competition entry Desaine went into detail about the “shag list” that she keeps, wowing judges by claiming

Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club to pick up my second victim.

Desaine told ShagAtUni she’d had two sexual partners before arriving at ‘Sexeter’ and being ‘sharked’ as a fresher. In light of her recent antics, her flatmates took her for a chlamydia test, which came back negative. She says:

My one rule is if the guy hasn’t got a condom, he isn’t shagging me.

Her antics in the computer room with members of Exeter’s Computer Science Club may even get her into trouble with her University, who have ruled that ‘personal or recreational use of the IT facilities may be subject to temporary  or permanent suspension’.

Now in her third year, Elina has been ‘trying her hand at sharking’ and describes the award as her proudest achievement.

SUSU’s Wellbeing officer Josh Cox told The Tab his advice to Southampton students:

Certainly have as much sex as you like but, like Elina, make sure you use condoms!