21 Questions With… Men's Football
Each week the Soton Tab will be aiming 21 quick-fire questions at a member of one of the AU’s Sports Clubs. Today is the turn of Football’s Matt Powell. Name: Matt Powell. […]
Each week the Soton Tab will be aiming 21 quick-fire questions at a member of one of the AU’s Sports Clubs. Today is the turn of Football’s Matt Powell.
Degree programme: BA Philosophy.
Position in Club: Vice President.
Was Southampton your first choice? Yeah.
Favourite halls? Glen Eyre.
In sentences comprised of singular words, what is your ideal night out? Oceana. Wednesdays.
Abiding memory of Freshers’ week? “SUFC Welcome Drinks”.
Favourite Sobar toilet man saying? N/A
Jesticle or Juicy Lucy? Neither, I despise Jesters.
Food or sex? Food.
Kelly Brook or Jennifer Lawrence? Jennifer Aniston.
Jesters or Sobar? Sobar.
Soton Tab or Wessex Scene? Soton Tab.
Team nickname? Shaggers United.
Club’s best achievement? European Champions 2012 & 13.
How can our readers identify your club/team on a night out? White Shirt, Blue Club Tie and black/grey trousers.
Unusual fact about your club? We are linked with Chelsea FC.
Trademark social? Archers, Kelly’s, Oceana.
When do you play? Wednesday and Saturdays.
Why should I join in no more than 15 words? For prestige, best mates and football.
One word to describe you? Adolf.
One word to describe Southampton? Top.
One word to describe your club? Stash.
Would you rather be stuck in a phone box with a thousand ants, a lion or your old head teacher? Head Teacher, she was a sort.
The football team can also be found on Facebook.
For more 21 Questions, check out Cheerleading here.