Best of Varsity 2014

It was the hottest day of the year yesterday as Portsmouth came to Wide Lane for yet another massive Varsity. The final score was an incredible 204-64, getting the Varsity […]

It was the hottest day of the year yesterday as Portsmouth came to Wide Lane for yet another massive Varsity. The final score was an incredible 204-64, getting the Varsity cup back from Portsmouth in style. We’ve collected some of the best moments for you to reminisce on and catch up with!

Sunny Wide Lane on the day! Photo: Perry Fung

The incredible end to one of the basketball games has gone viral on Facebook. Evan Whyte, current VP Sports Development told the Soton Tab:

Possibly one of the best sporting moments ever for Southampton (!?) as the basketball team win (64-61) in the last second after a tense draw.


Pole fitness even got in on the act, winning 236-208. No, we don’t know how they score it either.

Photo: Nick Jones

There was some classic student shenanigans in the form of… streakers, obviously.


Best view of the day? We think not

Enormous crowds cheered on Team Soton as the Rugby and Football 1st teams both won the last fixtures of the day.

Crowds cheering for Team Soton. Photo: Perry Fung

Women’s hockey smash Pompey. Photo: Josh Quickfall

Men’s hockey 1sts played well but lost to Portsmouth.

Photo: Lanceric Tse

Ultimate Frisbee, one of the more obscure sports of the day, went down a treat with spectators.

What an action shot! Photo: Will Yeong

…though some opposing spectators got lairy.


This gathering was the beginning of a MASS BRAWL

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Solent turned up.

Dominoes delivery or Solent student?

Ladies Cricket batted & balled their way to victory.

Ladies cricket have a group hug after a strong win against Pompey. Photo: Chris McGeehan

Mixed lacrosse fought hard and won a comfortable victory. Photo: Lanceric Tse

Vixens performed in the sunset just before the results were announced. Photo: Perry Fung

And finally, the winners announcement!

Congrats to all the organisers of Varsity 2014 and all those who took part! You can read our liveblog here.