Southampton leads campaign for sanitary bins to be put in men’s toilets
SUSU has led the national campaign to improve the “negative experiences” of transgender students
Students from Southampton have called for sanitary towel bins to be placed in men’s toilets across campus, following feedback about discrimination from transgender students.
The Union’s ‘Trans Inclusion Policy’ has been at the forefront of campaigns, which have so far only spread to Cardiff and Birmingham Universities.
In the Policy, SUSU defines the term trans as: ‘Trans (also trans*, transgender) is a wide umbrella term, covering those who transcend traditional boundaries of gender and sex, those who are gender variant, and those whose gender identity does not match their assigned gender.
A survey found that many transgender students felt that cisgender toilets did not cater for their needs, saying that the toilet facilities on campus are one of the most “negative experiences” they have had at university.
The idea was first commissioned almost two years ago in a Sustainability Zone meeting. However, movement on the issue has finally meant that the Union will alter signage on toilet doors to make them more accessible for trans students, and install sanitary bins in existing male toilets on campus.
The motion will also see gender neutral options become available on student record systems and on SUSU/University affiliated forms.
The motion also states that “gender-segregated toilet facilities should remain available for those who wish to use them”.
The whole ‘Trans Inclusion Policy’ can be viewed here.
The transgender community has made great strides in improving the facilities available to them in SUSU
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Chris Hall, of Universities UK’s Equality Challenge Unit, said: “Trans staff and students should be consulted to understand their requirements. It’s important institutions are supportive”.
However, the plans have come in for criticism from family groups. Norman Wells, of the Family Education Trust, speaking to the Daily Mail, said: “This underlines the madness of the gender ideologues.
“The simple fact is that women menstruate and men don’t, no matter what the men and women concerned may feel about themselves.”