Southampton’s BNOC of the year 2016: Nominations are open
Nominate your mates for banter
You never heard of one before freshers, when the fresher rep first crashed your kitchen and ruined your entire vibe. “BNOC”, he’s telling you, pouring a bit more vodka into your glass and asking if you’ve got a boyfriend. He’s whispering in your ear now, “That means Big Name On Campus“, slipping his number in your phone “just in case”.
Ever since then you’ve been longing for that title: rugby social after rugby social you’ve ingested piss and vomit with glee. You’ve started a massive fight at every cheerleading night out, and you’ve ruined more house parties than you’ve had school dinners. But still nobody notices you.
You remain merely a small name on campus.
Like Prince Charles, you’ve waited patiently as those who came before you revel in the status. Like Prince Charles, you’ve wasted your life, grown bitter and sad in the long, dark shadow of those above you. Like Prince Charles, you thought being playfully racist to the taxi driver would finally endear you to your public. You were wrong.
But now, finally: you have your chance.
The Soton Tab is looking for Southampton’s maddest bastard, sassiest bitch or frankly just the most deranged attention-seeker, as we seek to crown Southampton’s Biggest BNOC for 2016.
Please nominate yourself or one of your friends in the form below for a chance to win the title.
[iframe url=”https://docs.google.com/a/thetab.com/forms/d/1WjmEunXjlkObRwt8Z7CMCQnpptbHd–coSMkSryu5kA/viewform” width=”2000″ height=”300″]
You can also nominate yourself or a friend here if you cannot see the form above.
If you have a picture you want to go alongside your nomination, please email [email protected] if you think you or a friend has what it takes to be this year’s Biggest Name On Campus.