How to slay a bum cèlfie

Bare cheek of it

To all Southampton students,

Thank you to all who have already sent us in their finest assets, they are all so beaut.

For those who have not, it is not too late.

Here are some Tab top tips in order to make your bum pic, the best it can be:

Got for an artistic, instead of a sexual approach

We want fun. This is an opportunity to show us what your mamma gave you, not an endorsement of soft porn.

Don’t bend over too much

We only want to see the bum, thanks. We be keeping it PG.

Keep your back straight

This will heighten the unique shape of your derrière. If you’re going to display it, may as well flaunt it.

Get someone else to take the photo

This will make the picture look even more natural.

Surround yourself with other beauty

Because you’re worth it. A beautiful background will compliment a beautiful butt.

We will be revealing the compilation of your fabulous behinds in the next few weeks. Send us in your butt photos to [email protected] if you haven’t done so already,

We look forward to them,

Tab Love xx

P.S. Check out the Cambridge Tab’s collection of beautiful bums here for inspiration