I decided to ‘glo-up’ for a week to cure my slobbiness
Ladette to lady
Day 1
So I was returning after some time home after Christmas, and I was naïve to convince myself that the ‘new year new me’ idea actually had some substance. I had to make do with what dregs of makeup I had at home, so I got myself reacquainted with my kohl pencil with a topknot, I personally thought I looked banging. Comments from my brother and friends however ranged from ‘Ru Paul’ to asking half-seriously if I was attempting a Vicky Pollard-esque Croydon Facelift. Definitely a new me, but not what I was looking for.
Day 2
I had spent a long time trying to convince my boyfriend that despite my tendency to cry if anyone slightly raises their voice, I was in fact edgy – what better way to prove that than with a suede dungaree dress that was slightly too small and non-returnable? Unfortunately, I had to explain to my flatmate that I wasn’t going ‘out’, but just to Hartley to study. Furthermore, the skirt was shorter than I felt comfortable with so not only were my nether regions freezing, but I couldn’t even adjust as I was spilling out of the thing at every crevice. I eventually had to run home and take comfort in some sweats.
Day 3
I was personally very impressed with my creativity for this look as I did a mega life hack doubling my blush as eye shadow. I think this was one of my favourites as it was minimal but still snazzy AF. But my boyfriend felt the need to inform me that he didn’t like my highlighter as it was – in his words – too shiny. Funny that. At this point I was given the genius name Pennywise, but if I’m being honest I think he was jealous of my majestical cheekbones.
Day 4
Going for bold eyes so far was a disaster, so I was nervous to try out this day’s look in case Ru Paul made a comeback, especially paired with bright lips. I was worried I might lose myself in all the bold strokes and colours. But to my surprise, this was my favourite look despite all the craziness, as I felt it complemented my outfit choice. It also helped me reflect who I felt I was on the inside – loud and crazy. I was, however, told by pals to stop getting too excited and changing my profile picture ‘every time they blinked’. First world problems.
Day 5
The night before, I stayed over my boyfriend’s flat, and that night I realised just how reliant I had gotten on makeup after just a few days. I spent the entirety of our walk home whining because my felt tip liner was back in my flat, and in my determination to finish this quest, I scuttled off home early the next morning to do my morning regime – something I was already getting slightly bored of. Today’s theme? A stripper Dorothy Gale.
What I learnt
First things first, the expression that ‘beauty is pain’ has got some truth to it. But when I say pain, what I mean is that it was a pain in the fucking arse. Especially during exam season, I couldn’t help but think I was wasting myself valuable time doing myself up, and I didn’t end up leaving the house until 2pm each day as getting up any earlier than midday was clearly out of the question. So I questioned whether it was worth the effort.
However, taking pride in my appearance helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin. I was able to walk around with my head held high and feel more efficient and productive, and for some reason pulling an outfit together made me feel that I pulled my whole life together in the process. Because I spent time making myself ready for the day, I wanted to make sure that time wasn’t in vain and that my day in turn was a good one. I was also able to look people in the eye fearlessly and feel more at a level with others: emphasising myself made me feel more powerful and determined. Now I understand why they call makeup war-paint.
The Verdict
So, will I carry on? Yes and no. In hectic times of year like exams and deadlines, all I can say is never again. I shall descend into full skankitude shamelessly and nothing will stop me, as I’m not gonna get a first if I do a good contour.
I will certainly try, as I feel that by trying harder with makeup and hair, it makes the money I spend on clothes justifiable and by dressing my face, the clothes look better too. Also, I found the process of choosing a theme for the day and essentially painting my face to be a time where I can relax and reflect: the process was quite calming and it allowed me to get a bit creative.
I didn’t stop wearing makeup, doing my hair and being ‘girly’ to make any kind of political statement about feminism, it was pure laziness. I guess I’ll just try to get out of that habit.