Image may contain: Building, Selfie, Female, Photo, Portrait, Photography, Hair, Clothing, Apparel, Smile, Face, Human, Person

Southampton’s Best Couple 2019 – The Final

The power of loveee

Valentine's Day may be over and done with, but that doesn't mean we can't still celebrate the best couples Soton has to offer. We received so many nominations, and shortlisted our favourites into three heats. Now, we present to you the winners of the heats, for the final of this exciting competition. Vote below for your favourites one final time, and we will crown the winner later this week.

Emily Smith and Dan Lake, Criminology & Psychology and History

Image may contain: Room, Woman, Teeth, Lip, Mouth, Head, Hair, Selfie, Photo, Photography, Portrait, Apparel, Clothing, Female, Indoors, Smile, Human, Person, Face

The winners of heat one, Emily and Dan won you guys over with their heartwarming story about how they met in the Oceana cheese room. They recently celebrated their one year meet-versary (one year since they met) and according to their friends, are actually the cutest. Plus, they recently went to an Example concert where Emily posted a picture on Instagram of her on Dan's shoulders, and Example actually commented on it "well done Dan", which is pretty cool.

Jamie Francis and Sarah Hawthorn, Psychology and Nursing

Image may contain: Woman, Pants, Face, Audience, Crowd, Female, Coat, Jacket, Rural, Countryside, Nature, Shelter, Outdoors, Person, Human, Stadium, Arena, Apparel, Clothing, Building

Heat two brought us Jamie and Sarah, who, despite both admitting they liked each other at their Freshers' Ball, lasted eight months before they made it official! The first night he stayed at hers, he used the shared bathrooms and returned to the wrong room, almost getting into bed with some other guy. They now live (coincidentally) in houses next door to each other and all their friends love them.

Jamie Finnigan and Angela Ramsay, Economics

Image may contain: Outdoors, Dating, Selfie, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Family, People, Face, Human, Person

And finally, the winners of heat three – Jamie and Angela. Jamie made Angela change her course from Computer Science to Economics at the beginning of the year so he could chirpse her, and then lusted over her for a whole year whilst she had a boyfriend. However, he finally managed to win her heart after getting her to do some Economics homework with him at the end of the year.

So, for the final time, it's up to you. Who do you think deserves to win this exclusive title? Are Emily and Dan leading by example (get it) and showing us all how it's done? Or Jamie and Sarah, who prove that slow and steady might just win the race? Or maybe you think that Jamie's (very) hard work should be rewarded with your vote? Choose your favourites below.

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