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Paedophile caught in Portswood Aldi car park

He was given a suspended sentence

A 49-year-old former coach driver has been caught by the the online paedophile hunting group, SKID in the Aldi carpark in Portswood.

Andrew Portelli had been messaging who he thought was a 13-year-old girl called Phoebe on a dating site. However, this was a fake profile created by SKID, a group who, according to their Facebook "not only catch paedophiles arranging to meet under age children but also expose convicted paedophiles".

According to the Daily Echo, the prosecutor at Southampton Crown Court said that most of the correspondences were "benign", until he invited her to shower with him.

He then arranged to meet the girl in the Aldi car park, where he was approached and apprehended by members of SKID.

Portelli was given a six month suspended prison sentence, 60 days rehabilitation, and a sexual harm prevention order, alongside being made to sign the sex offenders register for seven years, and 100 hours of unpaid work.

Featured image credit: Mike Faherty