Image may contain: Female, Glasses, Hair, Collage, Advertisement, Poster, Dimples, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Accessory, Accessories, Tie, Suit, Apparel, Clothing, Overcoat, Coat, Smile, Face, Human, Person

VOTE: Southampton BNOC, the grand final

The time has come friends

The number of nominations and votes received this year has been mad.

With 3,200 votes from the article polls and even more from The Soton Tab Insta polls, we've decided to combine the two BNOCs with the most votes from Heat One and Heat Two with the winner of Heat Three.

So in no particular order, here are your top five BNOCs:

Ronaldo Castro-Patrick

Image may contain: Man, Shirt, Tuxedo, Human, Person, Blazer, Jacket, Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Tie, Accessories, Accessory, Clothing, Apparel

This is the guy who found the Lodge Road sleeper.

"Who doesn't know Ron, he's everywhere."

Harry Norris

Image may contain: Night Life, Flare, Light, Party, Portrait, Photography, Photo, Crowd, Man, Apparel, Clothing, Night Club, Face, Club, Person, Human

Harry Norris aka Dennis McNennis aka the fake Switch shitter.

"Don't shit on my floor Dennis" – Jesters DJ

"To the real Switch shitter, you're welcome mate." – Harry Norris

Olly Goodwin

Image may contain: Brass Section, Horn, Guitar, Musical Instrument, Saxophone, Leisure Activities, Human, Person

Triple Cooked saxophone player.

"Everyone knows him because he plays the sax."

Henry Hill

Image may contain: Restaurant, Apparel, Clothing, Eating, Dish, Food, Meal, Human, Person

Bad Boy Pizza Society co-founder. Nearly became the SU president with a hilarious campaign vid.

"Can't think of a better BNOC tbh."

Bronwen Smith

Image may contain: Girl, Clothing, Apparel, Woman, Drink, Beverage, Couch, Furniture, Female, Dating, Sitting, Human, Person

"Everyone and their mum seems to know Bronwen."

"She frequently gets dragged into conversations just walking around campus."

This vote will determine 2019's UoS biggest BNOC, so who's it gonna be?

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